Course Contents

Course Code ad Title: 728-Sociology of Poverty and Underdevelopment

Type of Course: Elective
Course Length: One semester
Pre-requisite(s): None
Medium of Instruction: Turkish
Course Credits: 3 0 3
ECTS Credits: 10
Name of Lecturer: Dr. Gülay Arıkan
Course Contents: Analysis of poverty and underdevelopment-related concepts such as education, health care, accomadation, workforce, population, crime, migration, urbanization and family together with the reasons for poverty, the problems related to poverty and steps to be taken to decrease poverty.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the semester the students will be able to

  • Analyze the topics of underdevelopment and poverty in the context of theories of modernisation and dependency.
  • Comprehend the differences among developed, being developed and underdeveloped socities in terms of poverty and services provided to poor people;
  • Both comprehend and comment on the reasons for poverty, the results of increased levels of poverty and steps to be taken to reduce poverty;
  • Relate poverty and underdevelopment to such societal issues as education, health care, accomadation, workforce, population, crime, migration, urbanization and family

Teaching Method: Lectures with intense student participation, research by students, assignments
Assessment Method: Two research report prepared by students
Recommended Reading:  
Şenses, Zafer. (2001) Küreselleşmenin Öteki Yüzü: Yoksulluk, Ankara: İletişim Yayıınevi.
Darsuk, Ercan. (1997) Türkiye’de Yoksulluğun Ölçülmesi ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapılarla          İlişkisi,           Ankara: DPT.
Dumanlı, R. (1996) Yoksulluk ve Türkiye’deki Boyutları, Ankara: DPT.
Jha, H.S. (1994) Culture of Poverty-A Sociological Study, Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri     Publishing House.
Townsend, Peter. (1993) The International Analysis Of Poverty, Harvester Wheatsheaf,      New    York,          Sidney.
Spicker, Paul. (1993) Poverty and Social Security: Concepts and Principles, London:           Routledge Press.