Course Contents

Course Code and Title: SOS 631-Socialization

Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Masters
Year and Semester: Autumn
Course Length: One Semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr.   M. Demet Ulusoy
Course Content: While at the first stage of the course, the objectives, mechanisms and agents (as family, school, mass media) of socialization process are discussed; at the second stage leading representative theorists of main socialization theories are treated and it is endeavored to assign the theorists’ differences and commonalities in relation with their conceptual models. At the third stage of the course, student presentations which the students have written in accordance with their own interests are discussed.
Course Objectives: Students improve their level of awareness that the sociological analysis of the socialization process means a multi-factoral viewpoint. In this context, students acquire a critical point of view on the objectives, mechanisms and main agents of socialization.
Teaching Method: Lecturing, discussion, presentations of written reports (total reports number: 10)
Assessment Method: Reports (50&) and one final report (50%)
Recommended Reading List:
Goslin, David (Ed.) (1968) Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research, Part I, Theoretical Approaches to the Socialization Process.
Eklin Frederick (?) Çocuk ve Toplum ,Çocuğun Toplumsallaşması
Alkan, Türker (1979), Siyasal Toplumsallaşma: Siyasal Bilincin gelişmesinde Aile, Okulun ve Toplumsal Sınıfların Etkisi, Kültür,
Şirin, Mustafa Ruhi (2006) Televizyon, Çocuk ve Aile, İz yay./düşünce dizisi
McLuhan, Marshall (2005), Yaradanımız medya: Medyanın Etkileri Üzerine Bir Keşif Yolculuğu, Merkez Kitapçılık