Course Contents

Course Code and Title: SOS 618-Media, Gender and Politics

Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Masters
Year and Semester: Autumn
Course Length: One Semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
ETCS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. Aylin Görgün-Baran
Course Contents: This course aims to focus on the modalities of mass media by which hegemonic construction of gender identities come to be realised. Topics include visual “literacy”, social function of images, and the role of audio-visual, visual and quasi-visual media in the cultural process. It takes film, television, internet texts, photography, and also “women’s genres” such as soap operas, romance novels and women’s magazines as objects of analysis and research tools.

Course Objectives: On successful of this course the students will be able to comprehend the basic arguments and approaches of various theories and concepts on feminisim and gender, analyse, discuss and comment on the simlarities and differences among the related theories and develop ways hwo to analyze gender in media.

Teaching Method: Lectures and classroom discussion
Assessment Method: Written exams and assignment (two midterms (40 %), final (50 %), and assignment (10 %).

Recommended Reading List:
Boss,P.G. And Others (1993). Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods – A         Contextual
Approach. Plennum Press, New York and London.
Çoban, Barış, Z., Özarslan (2003) Söylem ve İdeoloji. Su Yayınevi, İstanbul.
Morley, D., K-H Chen (1996), Stuart Hall, Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies.
Routledge, London and New York.
Norrıs, Pippa (1997), Women, Media and Politics. Oxford University Press,
New York, Oxford.
Rıano Pilar (1994), Women in Grassroots Communication, Furthering Social Change.
Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Urger, R., M., Crawford (1992), Women and Gender, A Feminist Psychology.
Temple University Pres, Philadelphia.
Üşür, Serpil Sancar (1997), İdeolojinin Serüveni. İmge Yayınevi, Ankara.
Walsh, Mary Roth (1997), Women, Men and Gender, Ongoing Debates. Yale Uni., Pres,
New Haven/London.