Course Contents
p>Course Code and Title: SOS 718-New Currents in Contemporary Sociological Theories

Course Type: Elective

Course Level: Ph.D.

Year and Semester: Spring

Course Length: One Semester

Prerequisite(s): None

Language of Instruction: Turkish

Course Credits: 3 0 3

ECTS Credits: 10

Instructor: Dr. M. Demet Ulusoy

Course Content: New sociological currents in the students’ own fields of interest are examined thoroughly. The biographies of the theoreticians, social features of their time, their scientific fictions and criticisms are discussed. Throughout the course students are confronted with the newly put forth ideas, issues and discussions within the context of their special fields of interest.

Course Objectives: Students follow the contributions of an interdisciplinary understanding on the sociological perspectives and realize and express multi-dimensional comprehension of contemporary sociology’s position. Through this course students gain the ability of analyzing especially the developed and the developing countries’ positions which are in the pivot of globalization, and within this context analyzing probable new formations in the world. In this framework students express conceptual models of different theorists, and they compare and contrast their similarities and differences

Teaching Method: Lecturing and discussion

Assessment Method: Two written reports (50%) and one final report (50%)

Recommended Reading List:

Ritzer, George (1996) Modern Sociological Theory, Fourth Ed., McGraw-Hill İnt. Edit. Part III, 353- 595.
Best, Shaun ( 2003)  A beginners guide to Scial Theory, Sage Pub. Part 4,5,6,
Post Modernism
Jameson, Frederic (1997) Marksizm ve Biçim
_____ (2002) Dil Hapishanesi: Yapısalcılığın ve Rus Biçimçiliğinin Eleştirel Öyküsü
_____ (2004) Biricik modernite:Şimdinin Ontolojisi Üzerine İnceleme
Baudrillard, Jean (1997) Tüketim Toplumu, Ayrıntı yay.
_____ (2002) Simgesel Değiş Tokuş ve Ölüm, Boğaziçi Üni. Yay.
_____ (2005) Simülarklar ve Simülasyon, Doğu Batı yay.
Giddens, Anthony (1984) Toplumun Kuruluşu, Bilim ve Sanat
_____ (2004) Küresel Kuşatma Karşısında İnsan, Ufuk kitap.
_____ ( 2004) Modernliğin sonuçları, Ayrıntı yay.
Foucault, Michel (1999)Yapısalcılık ve Postyapısalcılık, Birey yay.
_____ (1992) Hapisanenin Doğuşu,İmge yay.
_____ (2002) Kliniğin Doğuşu, Doruk yay.
_____ (1993)Bu bir pipo değildir, Yapı Kredi yay.
Manuel  Castells
Castells, Manuel (2005) Ağ Toplumunun Yükselişi, İstanbul Bilgi Üni.
_____ (2006) Kimliğin Gücü, İstanbul Bilgi Üni.
_____ (2003) Küresel Kuşatma Karşısında İnsan, Ufuk Kitapevi.