Course Contents

Course Code and Title: SOS 662-Sociology of Migration

Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Graduate
Year and Semester: Spring
Course Length: One semester
Prerequisite(s): None
Language of Instruction: Turkish
ECTS Credits: 7
Lecturer: Dr. Vildan Akan
Course Objectives: At the end of this course the students interested in social and economic development gain sociological knowledge about migration. Since the movement of human population has been an essential component of social change for the growth of cities and changes in the relationships depend upon the settlement of individuals, the students would be able to make critical evaluation of migration.
Course Contents: Theoretical developments. Various factors that determine migration. Empirical evidences. Adaptation problems. Cultural conflict and its consequences. Developments and refinements of many of the concepts available for analysis. Relationships between Turkey and West Europe.
Teaching Method: Lectures. Also each student presents a paper
Assessment Method: Paper (60%), written exams (40%)
Recommended Reading List:
Akan, Vildan (1997) “Göç ve Gençlik”, Toplum ve Göç içinde Ankara: Sosyoloji Derneği Yayınları s:521-532.
Bringley, T. (1972) Migration and Urban Development, London: Mathuen.
Eades, J. (1987) Migrants, Workers and The Social Order, London: Tavistoch.
Gugler, J. (1969) “On the Theory of Rural – Urban Migration”, in Jackson J. A. (ed), Migration, Great Britain: Cambridge Univ. Press. P: 134-155
Pooley, C. G. And Whyte I. D. (ed) (1991) Migrants, Emigrants and Immigrants, London: Routledge.
Sabot, R.H. (1982) Migration and The Labor Market in Developing Countries, Colorado: Westview.